Walls Have Ears
(2020 Mule Satellite, MULE17)
- City in Peril
- Ruma Jhuma
- The People Carrier
- Bloodshot Eyes
- Mind the Gap
- Polo Neck
- Stand Up (Nifhamou)
- Chant Sans Adresse
- Return of the Green Spider
- Future Ghost
- Way Down the River (Part One)
Released by Mule Satellite, 2020
The Colours Started to Sing Again
(2019 Mule Satellite MULE14)

- The Colours Started to Sing Again
- I Left My Sweet Homeland (2019 Version)
- The Green Spider
- The Colours Started to Sing Again (Radio Edit)
Released by Mule Satellite, 2019
(2013, World Village 450022)
Qai Maro (Cry Mary)
- Weeping Willow Tree
- No Guns to the Wedding
- Kabatronics
- Three Beauties
- Bring the Bride in
- Shtojzovalle
- Flowers Lament
- Baklava Revanche
- Aferdita
- Mehndi
- The Eagles Takes Flight
- No Guns to the Wedding (DJ Nevenko remix)
- Three Beauties (Dr Das remix)
Released under the name Fanfara Tirana Meets Transglobal Underground
The Stone Turntable
(2011 Mule Satellite, MULE09)
- Be as one
- Don’t let me skip a beat
- Sing for the love of your life
- Deolali Junglee
- Gunsinger
- Tribe Organiser
- Fire Maiden
- We come t tear your wall down
- The Stone Turntable
- What stands above
- The further people
- What’s the use of that?
- Granular Goat
- Beat as one
- Mazboori
(2007 Mule Satellite MUL 04)
- Dancehall Operator
- Moonshout
- Emotional Yoyo
- Awal
- Total Rebellion
- Swampland
- Cape Thunder
- Mera Jhumka
- Border Control
- Elena
- Spice Garden
- Quit Mumblin’
- It’s A Sitar
- Mag Ak Ndaw
Impossible Re-broadcasting
Cat. Num: KFM/MAFFIA 008 – Format: LP / CD
- The Sikh Man And The Rasa – Remixed by Alex Kasiek
- Yellow And Black Taxi Cab – Remixed by Kamel Nitrate
- Drinking In Gomorrah – Additional Production and Remix by DJ Rocca
- The Khhleegi Stomp – Remixed by The Thievery Corporation
- The Sikh Man And The Rasta – Remixed by 5th Suite
- The Khhleegi Stomp – Remixed by S.MO.K.E.
- Take The A Tram – Remixed by DJ Disorientalist
- Radio Unfree Europe (Cold War Echoes Edit) by Genetic Drugs
- Sentinal – Remixed by The Dolphins
- Drinking In Gomorrah – Remixed by Halftones
- The Sikh Man And The Rasa – Remixed by Al-Yaman
- Stoyane/Male-Le – Reimagined by Saltgrass
Released by KFM/MAFFIA 2006
Impossible Broadcasting
Cat. Num: MUL01 – Format: LP / CD
- 7.5
- The Khhleegi Stomp
- The Sikh Man And The Rasta
- Drinking In Gomorrah
- Isis K (featuring the Trio Bulgarka, Bulgarias best known traditional music ensemble)
- Yellow And Black Taxi Cab
- Cikan-Me Message (featuring amawing Malian rap crew TATA POUND)
- Take The A Tram (a return to Hungary featuring Ferenc Balogh)
- Radio Unfree Europe (voices from the present and near present)
- Sentinal (a warning from the past)
- Stoyane/Male Male (featuring the Trio Bulgarka once more with help on the mix by Neil Perch from Zion Train)
- Vanilka
Released by Mule Satellite Records 2004
Yes Boss Food Corner
Cat. Num: ARKCD1002 – Format: LP / CD
- Drums Of Navarone
- Spellbound
- Scorch
- Bhimpalasi Warriors
- Pomegranite
- Woodward Avenue
- Step Across The Edge
- London Zulu
- Secrets & Distant Dreams
- One Of Our Dholaks Is Missing
Released by Ark 21 Records 2001
Rejoice, Rejoice
Cat. Num: ? – Format: LP / CD
- A Nice Little Fish Business and Making Money
- Delta Disco
- Thousand Year Heat
- Body Machine
- Imperial Hippy
- Rude Buddah
- Air Giant
- Ali Mullah
- Cidy of Gold
- Chemnitz
- Shining Iron Face
- Son of Thingdrum
- Sky Giant
Released by Nation Records 1998
Psychic Karaoke
Cat. Num: NRCD1067 – Format: LP / CD
- Chariots
- Mouth Wedding
- Bullet Train
- Lexicona
- A Tongue of Flame (Unidentified Flying Dubplates Mix)
- Ancient Dreams of the Sky
- Good Luck Mr Gorsky
- Eyeway Souljah
- Boss Tabla (Full Legnth Mix)
- Scully
- Psycho Karaoke (Mangasouk Mix)
- Daughter of the Desert
Released by Nation Records 1996
International Times
Cat. Num: NATCD38 – Format: LP / CD
- Lookee Here
- Taal Zaman
- Dustbowl
- Jatayu
- Holy Roman Empire
- Monter Au Ciel
- Tromba Marina
- International Times
- Sumeria
- Protean
- Ana
- Topkapi
- Pirhana One Chord Boots
- Chaldea
- Dopi
Released by Nation Records 1994
Dream of 100 Nations
Cat. Num: NR0 21 CD – Format: LP / CD
- Temple Head
- Shimmer
- Slowfinger
- I.Voyager
- La Voix Du Sang
- El Hedudd
- This is the Army of Forgotten Souls
- Sirius B
- Earth Tribe
- Zombie’ites
- Tutto Grande Discordia
- Hymn to Us
Released by Nation Records 1993
Destination Overground

- Shimmer
- I, Voyager
- Taal Zaman
- Yallachant (Youth Remix)
- Boss Tabla
- Omri Coulu Leek
- Amulet Reprise
- Dancehall Operator
- A Tongue of Flame
- Lookee Here (Dreadzone Remix)
- Ragaali
- Sky Giant
- A compilation following the history of Natacha Atlas’ work with Transglobal Underground, compiled for the Original Members Tour reunion Released by Mule Satellite in 2017
Digging the Underground Volume One: The Nation Years
- Medicine Eagle
- Fein El Adala
- International Times (One by the Drum Mix)
- El Haya Gamilla
- Giant Bullfrog
- Callisto
- Mystery
- Ancestral Ghosts
- Serengeti
- Armchair Cowboys Clash
- Phantasy Island (Platos Plate Mix)
- Step Across the Edge
An online only compilation of previously unreleased tracks from the Nation Records era. Released by Nation Records 2016
Run Devils and Demons
Disc 1
- Temple Head
- Shimmers (Run Devils and Demons mix)
- Chariots (radio edit)
- Delta Disco
- Yellow and Black Taxi Cab
- Body Machine
- Rude Buddha
- The Khaleegi Stomp (Thievery Corporation remix)
- Taal Zaman
- This Is the Army of Forgotten Souls
- Ancient Dreams of the Sky
- I, Voyager
- Sky Giant
Disc 2
- International Times (Lionrock Kick Da Flavour remix)
- Scorch (Vinyl version)
- Emotional Yoyo
- Lookee Here (Dreadzone at the Controls remix)
- Dancehall Operator
- Kingsland Meltdown
- The Sikh Man and the Rasta
- Armchair Cowboys Clash
- Ali Mullah
- Mera Jhumka
- Boss Tabla (radio edit)
- Lexicona
- Drums of Navarone (live)
Backpacking On The Graves Of Our Ancestors
Cat. Num: NRCD1085 – Format: LP / CD
CD 1:
- Temple Head
- Taal Zaman
- I, Voyager
- Shimmer
- Mouth Wedding
- * Boss Tabla (Radio edit)
- Sirius B
- Nile Delta Disco
- (Blue Gedida Remix)
- Dustbowl
- Ali Mullah
- Dopi
- Chariots (Radio edit)
- Monter Au Ciel
CD 2:
- Temple Head (Burundi Mix)
- Lookee Here (Dreadone At The Controls)
- Psycho Karaoke (Manga Moon Mix)
- Body Machine (Badmarsh Remix)
- International Times (Fun-Da-Mental Remix)
- Kashmiri Falooda
- Slowfinger (Delta Ladies Night Remix)
- Eyeway Souljah (Hardknox Toxic Remix)
- Kintamani (Hanoman’s Forest Remix)
- Khan
- This Is The Army Of Forgotten Souls
- I’ Voyager (Transmigration Mix)
Released by Nation Records 1999
Interplanetary Meltdown
Cat. Num: NAT57CD – Format: LP / CD
- International Times (Lionrock Kick Da Flavour)
- Lookee Here (Dread at the Controls)
- Slowfinger (Delta Ladies Night Mix)
- International Times (Haunted Dance Hall Mix)
- Rasa Bliss (Grotus)
- Earth Tribe (Earth vs Technology Mix)
- Temple Head (Isis Mix)
- Temple Head (Burundi Mix)
- One Day Old (Headbutt)
- Zombie’ites (Laughing Gravy Mix)
Released by Nation Records 1995.
Title: Protean EP
Cat. Num: NR39CD
Format: EP / CD / CASS
- Taal Zaman
- Protean (Tycho Brahe Mix)
- Protean (Thubian Mix)
- Dustbowl (Shamashl Mix)
Released by Nation Records 1994
Title: International Times
Cat. Num: NR48CD
Format: EP / CD
- International Times – Apis Calf Mix
- International Times – LionRock Kick Da Flavour Mix)
- International Times – Haunted Dancehall
- International Times – Bollywood Baddest Mix
- International Times – Apis Bull Mix
- International Times – Pylon Hum Mix
Released by: Nation Records 1994
Title: Earth Tribe / Slowfinger
Cat. Num: NR29CD
Format: EP / CD
- Earth Tribe – Earth Vs Technology Mic
- Earth Tribe
- Earth Tribe – Obiting Whales Mix
- Slowfinger – Delta Ladies Night Mix
Released by: Nation Records 1993
Title: Lookee Here
Cat. Num: NR43CD
Format: EP / CD
- Radio Edit
- LP Mix
- Yalil Mix
- Dread Zone Mix
Released by: Nation Records 1994
Title: Impossible Broadcasting Remixes
Cat. Num:Mul002
Format: 12″only
- The Sikh Man And The Rasa – Remixed by Alex Kasiek
- The Khhleegi Stomp – Remixed by The Thievery Corporation
- Drinking In Gomorrah – Remixed by DJ Rocca
- Yellow And Black Taxi Cab – Remixed by Kamel Nitrate
Released by: Mule Satellite 2005
Title: Shimmer
Cat. Num: NR018CD
Format: EP / CD
- Shimmer – Global Tribal (Radio Edit) Mix
- Shimmer – Transit Power Mix
- Shimmer – Run Devils & Demons Mix
- This is an Army of Forgotton Souls
Released by: Nation Records 1993
Title: Boss Tabla
Cat. Num: NR68CD
Format: EP / CD
- Boss Tabla – Radio Edit
- Armchair Cowboys Clash
- Scully
- Psyco Karaoke – Manga Moon Mix
Released by: Nation Records 1996
Title: Temple Head / I, Voyager
Cat. Num: NR020CD
Format: EP / CD
- Temple Head – Air Waves Mix
- I, Voyager – Transmitter Mix
- Temple Head – Youth Isis Mix
- Temple Head – Dam Dam Diga Diga Mix
Released by: Nation Records 1993
Transglobal Underground
A film by Guillaume Dero
The film was shot at the festival Les Escales de Saint-
Nazaire 2007 and in London.
2008 © La Huit